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Don’t Panic! Here the first 13 podcasts from TheSGEM.
I am not sure why iTunes does not show them any more? I have contacted them and trying to work it out. You can still find all the old podcasts on TheSGEM website attached to their blog entries. However, people like to subscribe to iTunes and have automatic access.So in classic emergency medicine style I came up with a back up solution. All the previous podcasts are now attached to this blog entry and hopefully Word Press uploads them to iTunes…
- SGEM#1: Welcome to the SGEM
- SGEM#2: History of EBM
- SGEM#3: Ottawa Ankle Rules
- SGEM#4: Getting Un-Stoned
- SGEM#5: Ottawa Knee Rules
- SGEM#6: PUBcast from Oxford
- SGEM#7: Every Breath You Take
- SGEM#8: ABCD2 Not as Simple as 1,2,3
- SGEM#9: Who Let the Dogs Out
- SGEM#10: Ten Commandments of EBM
- SGEM#11: All Seizures Stop…Eventually
- SGEM#12: Oh Dance-a-tron
- SGEM#13: Better Out than In
Remember that all bleeding stops…eventually and be skeptical of anything you are taught, even if you are taught it on The Skeptics Guide to Emergency Medicine.