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Date: July 26th, 2014
This is the 42nd podcast of for this year and the last for Season#2. Why only 42 episodes? Keeping with the hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy 42 seems like the right number. But don’t panic, the SGEM will be back in the fall with new episodes.
The goal of the SGEM has always being to cut the knowledge translation window down from 10 years to 1 year. It does this by using social media to provide you with high quality, clinically relevant, critically appraised, evidence based information. The SGEM wants you to have the best evidence so you can provide your patients with the best care.
Much of the SGEM content is a result of the Best Evidence in Emergency Medicine (BEEM) process. The BEEM process is a reliable and validated method of selecting relevant emergency medicine articles. BEEM is evidence based medicine worth spreading.
You can get the BEEM critical appraisal tools as part of the Free Open Access to Meducation movement. FOAM – Medical education for anyone, anywhere, anytime.
Season#2 has been very successful. The numbers of subscribers grew substantially. The program also improved significantly with the edition of the SGEM Journal Club and SGEM Classics.
The SGEM Classics was an excellent suggestion by Dr. Anand Swaminathan (Swami) who pointed out there are practice changing papers that were published before the SGEM started in 2012.
Swami and I did three classic papers this year including OPALS, NINDS and CRASH-2. If you have a suggestion for a SGEM Classic paper then send it to me (TheSGEM@gmail.com) to consider for Season#3.
Five Highlights from Season#2:
- Dr. Jeff Perry, lead author of the new Ottawa Subarachnoid Hemorrhage TOOL (SGEM#48)
- Dr. David Newman discussed Presidential Care (SGEM#47).
- SGEM Journal Club at McGill University (SGEM#50) and McMaster University (SGEM#55)
- Interviewing the Godfather of FOAM, Dr. Joe Lex (SGEM#77)
- Presenting thrombolysis for acute embolic stroke controversey in Sweden
The SGEM had many guest skeptics who helped make the show much better. There were students, consultants, physiotherapist, pharmacist, nurse, residents, and a ranting paediatrician (Dr. Anthony Crocco).
Many of my guest skeptics are involved in their own knowledge translation projects. I asked a few of them to send me a audio clip of why you should listen to the SGEM and what was their favourite Season#2 episode.

Eve Purdy
Eve Purdy (The Student):
- Third year medical student from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario
- Guest Skeptic SGEM#63 Goldfinger (More Dogma of Wound Care) dispelling the myth about the golden time period for laceration repair
- FOAM project Manu et Corde. “The doctor works by hand and heart.”
- Eve’s pick SGEM#68: Sign, Sign Everywhere a Pediatric Vital Sign

Dr. Jeremy Faust
Jeremy Faust (The NYC Resident):
- Emergency medicine resident, Mount Sinai in New York City
- Guest Skeptic SGEM#49: Five Stages of Evidence Based Medicine Grief and SGEM#79: Tommy Can you Hear Me (Steroids for Bacterial Meningitis)
- FOAM project FOAMCast
- Jeremy’s pick SGEM#72: Tiny Bubbles (#FOAMed and #MedEd)
Lauren Westafer (The Short Coat):

Dr. Lauren Westafer
- Emergency medicine resident, Baystate Medical Center in Northampton, Massachusetts
- Guest Skeptic SGEM#17: The Best FOAM/#FOAMed of 2012 and SGEM#20: Hit Me with your BEST Shot (Flu Shot for Healthcare Workers)
- FOAM project The Short Coat and FOAMCast
- Lauren’s pick SGEM#77: Take the Hashtag, Leave the Classroom (Pro #FOAMed Argument)
Brent Thoma (The Boring EM):

Dr. Brent Thoma
- 2013 Canadian Emergency Medicine Resident of the Year
- Guest Skeptic SGEM#56: BEEM Me Up (Impact Factor in the Age of Social Media)
- FOAM project BoringEM
- Brent picked the Classics Series SGEM#64: OPALS, SGEM#70: NINDS and SGEM#80: CRASH-2
Erich Hanel (The BEEM Team):

Dr. Erich Hanel
- Assistant Clinical Professor, Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Family Medicine and Department of Pediatrics, McMaster University
- Guest Skeptic SGEM#53: Sunday, Bloody Sunday (Epistaxis and Tranexamic Acid)
- Erich’s pick SGEM#51: Home (Discharging Patients with Acute Pulmonary Emboli Home from the Emergency Department)
Katrin Hruska (The Swede):

Dr. Katrin Hruska
- A Swedish doctor, interested in patients and trying to figure out how to improve emergency care, with a fair amount of skeptisism.She organized the amazing SweetBEEM conference this year.
- Guest Skeptic SGEM#82: Melt with You (Targeted Temperature Management)
- Katrin really did not have a pick:)
Salim Raziae (The Rebel):

Dr. Salim Rezaie
- Assistant Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine and Internal Medicine at the University of Texas at San Antonio
- Guest Skeptic SGEM#76: And the Beat Goes On (Azithromycin and Risk of Cardiovascular Death) and SGEM#83: In Your Eyes (Topical Tetracaine for Corneal Abrasions)
- FOAM Project REBEL EM (Rezaie’s Evidence Based Evaluation of Literature in Emergency Medicine)
- Salim’s pick SGEM#54: Baby It’s Cold Outside (Pre-Hospital Therapeutic Hypothermia in Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest)

Dr. Anand Swaminathan
Anand Swaminathan (The Swami):
- Assistant Program Director at NYU/Bellevue Hospital in the Department of Emergency Medicine, New York City
- Guest Skeptic on all the Classic Episodes SGEM#64: OPALS, SGEM#70: NINDS and SGEM#80: CRASH-2
- FOAM Project REBEL Cast
- Swami’s pick SGEM#56: BEEM Me Up (Impact Factor in the Age of Social Media)

Dr. Steve Carroll
Steve Carroll (The EM Basic):
- Active duty Emergency Medicine Physician with the US Army
- Guest Skeptic SGEM#75: Video Killed Direct Laryngoscopy?
- FOAM project EMBasic (Your Boot Camp Guide to Emergency Medicine)
- Steve’s pick SGEM#57: Should I Stay or Should I Go (Biphasic Anaphylactic Response)
Chris Carpenter (The Brain):

Dr. Chris Carpenter
- Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine, Director, Evidence Based Medicine, Washington University Division of Emergency Medicine, St. Louis
- Guest Skeptic SGEM#56: BEEM Me Up (Impact Factor in the Age of Social Media)
- FOAM project WashU EM Journal Cub
- Chris’ picks SGEM#72: Tiny Bubbles (#FOAMed and #MedEd) and SGEM#77: Take the Hashtag, Leave the Classroom (Pro #FOAMed Argument)
I will be taking the summer off to reflect, recharge and improve the SGEM for Season#3. Jeremy and Lauren I promise there will be no jumping of sharks.

Shark with Frick’n laser pointer.
The SGEM will return this fall with more critical reviews and classic papers. I hope to get a few new guest skeptics on the program including Rob Orman from ERCast.
I am also working on some exciting new projects that will make the SGEM even FOAMyer and cut that knowledge translation window down even further.
If you are in the northern hemisphere enjoy the rest of the summer. If you are listening in the southern hemisphere I hope you have a great winter.
Keener Kontest: There was no winner from last week. I guess the questions have been just too hard lately.
If you want to play the last Keener Kontest of this season listen to the podcast for the question. Email me your answer at TheSGEM@gmail.com with “keener” in the subject line. The first person to provide the correct answer will be sent a cool skeptical prize.
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