Dr. Milne is a staff physician at the Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital in Strathroy, Ontario, Canada. He has been doing medical research for 41 years publishing on a variety of topics. Dr. Milne has been working clinically for 30 years and is an Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine (Division of Emergency Medicine) and Department of Family Medicine at the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry. He has taught evidence-based medicine (EBM), clinical epidemiology, critical appraisal and biostatistics at Western University in London, Ontario. Dr. Milne is passionate about skepticism and critical thinking. He is the creator of the knowledge translation project, The Skeptics’ Guide to Emergency Medicine (TheSGEM).  Dr. Milne completed his MBA at Ivey School of Business in 2025 and has started a DPhil (PhD) at Oxford University on artificial intelligence (AI) and EBM. Ken is married to Barb and has three amazing children.

Dr. Milne serves as a senior editor of Academic Emergency Medicine. He has no funding from the pharmaceutical or biomedical device industry. He is on faculty for the Center for Medical Education and EMRAP. Dr. Milne does partake in medical malpractice reviews and does hold a patent on a pediatric resuscitation device.